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ÛßÛßÛßÜ ³ LORD (Legend of the Red Dragon) is a multi-player battle game
°²° °²° ³ created for Bulletin Board Systems (BBS).
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²°² ²°² ³ (c) Copyright 1992-1997 Robinson Technologies
ÛÜÛ ÛÜÛ ³ (c) Copyright 1998,1999 Metropolis, Inc.
³ Developed by Michael Preslar
ÛßÛßßÛÜ ³ All rights reserved.
°²° °²° ³
±±± ±±±ragon ³ The Originals:
²°² ²°² ³ Written By: Seth Able Robinson
ÛÜÛÜÜÛß ³ Documentation By: Brandon Whitten
³ Michael Preslar
³ 1218 Hwy 54E
³ Covington, TN, 38019
³ web:
V4.02 ³ email:
º °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Introduction to Legend of the Red Dragon °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° º
Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) is a multi-player battle game created for
Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's). Legend of the Red Dragon can also be played
locally by running the LOCAL.BAT from the DOS prompt.
Legend of the Red Dragon supports:
* DesqView, Windows, and OS/2.
* Support for most dropfile types: DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, CHAIN.TXT,
* IRQ 0-15 and selectable COM port address supported for nonstandard COM
* CTS/RTS flow handshaking, locked baud rates, and support up to 115,200 baud
* Internal communications routines supported.
* FOSSIL driver support.
* Locked FOSSIL driver support.
* True multi-node support. (Send online message, battles, and such!).
* Lock out any player you don't like by putting their name in the LOCKOUT.DAT
file. Legend of the Red Dragon will display LOCKOUT.TXT when the user tries
to enter the game. You can edit this file if you wish.
* Automatic RIP detection and support.
* Optionally will create ANSI/ASCII score files with any path and name in
LORDCFG. Great option if you wish to display the Legend of the Red Dragon
scores as a bulletin on your BBS.
* In-game downloading of LORDICON.ZIP, which is the file RIP users need to
plat Legend of the Red Dragon. It contains all the icons needed to use RIP
graphics. Legend of the Red Dragon will auto detect if the user is using RIP,
what version, and if they do not have the Legend of the Red Dragon icons. If
they do not have the icons, Legend of the Red Dragon will give them the
option of downloading them. *NOTE* You will need to obtain a copy of an
external protocol driver such as GSZ.EXE if you wish the in-game downloading
of the Legend of the Red Dragon icons to work. Also, you must set this path
* Auto Maintenance as the first person of the day plays Legend of the Red
Dragon. Entire maintenance process takes less than 4 seconds on most systems.
* Auto deletion of inactive players. This is set via LORDCFG.
* "Smart Deletes" of users. If your BBS is down for an extended period of
time, Legend of the Red Dragon will not count those days against the player.
* Ultra easy to run. You don't have to do anything, ever. On the other hand,
LORDCFG will allow the SysOp to become as involved with Legend of the Red
Dragon as he wants to be. Define many rules and enable/disable certain
options. *NOTE* Not all options are available in the unregistered version.)
* Powerful player editor. *NOTE* Can only save if the game is registered.
* Inactivity timeout at 3 minutes. If a player does not touch the keyboard in
over 3 minutes, he will be removed from the game. No matter of security
* SysOp can chat with the user in Legend of the Red Dragon. Use ALT-C to
chat, and ESCape to finish.
* Players play an average of 10 minutes per day (at standard settings). The
perfect game to compliment an active message base. In fact, that's why it was
written. Keeps 'em coming back for more EACH DAY!
* Lots of professional RIP graphics. You gotta play to believe it!
* Special Skills! Players can take their pick of being a "Death Knight",
"Mystical Skills User", or a student of the "Thieving Skills." Or, become the
ultimate warrior and learn them all!
* "Never Reset" game play. New approach to gaming! When a player successfully
beats the Red Dragon, only *he* is reset. He does keep his special skills he
has acquired, as well as his charm, children, and status in "The Old Man's
* Much more text. Log "lementings" can be easily edited for a personalized
* Smart Mode: Users are automatically informed when another player enters the
realm while they are online. Or leaves. Or sends a message. (Via messenger on
* More interactive forest events. Many "secrets" to discover.
* Hundreds of ways for players to interact.
* Players can get married and have kids!
* DarkCloak Tavern. Hard to find, but VERY interesting when you do.
* Powerful mail writing routines. Unlimited message length!
* Tastefully lewd, and sort of tastefully gory!
* A *FREE* upgrade to previously registered users! (As all upgrades are FREE
for Seth Able Products.)
* Reach new heights of conversation with "Characters" from the game.
* Still only $15 bucks to register, the best value in doors today!
* Single node systems that can multi-task can use the local option from DOS
to play along with someone on the BBS. Just run LOCAL.BAT from the Legend of
the Red Dragon directory.